
Title: Deep Dive of the Yield-Link® Moment Connection ETABS/SAP2000 Plugin
Date: Tuesday, March 23, 2021
Time: 11:00 AM PT
Duration: 45 minutes plus live Q&A

This webinar has already taken place. A recording of the webinar will be available here, typically within one day.


The Yield-LinkĀ® Connection Plugin for ETABS/SAP2000 is a software add-in for the well-known Computer and Structures, Inc. state-of-the-art analysis and design software applications. The Yield-Link plugin will automatically assign rotational springs to the ends of each beam when the user selects the beam size and link size. Users can run the frame analysis, and the plugin will automatically calculate the beam and Yield-Link check, column check, shear tab check and show a drift summary for wind and seismic loads. This webinar will take a deeper dive into how to incorporate our Yield-Link moment connection using our ETABS/SAP200 plugin.

Participants in the live event will have an opportunity to ask questions.

Continuing education credits will be offered for this webinar. Participants can earn one professional development hour (PDH) or 0.1 continuing education unit (CEU). Contact training@strongtie.com with any questions.


Engineering Manager, Lateral Systems
Simpson Strong-Tie