Credit Information

New York State Codes Division In-Service

State of NY Codes Division has approved many Simpson Strong-Tie courses for In-Service credits. For learners that take and pass an approved on-line course, Simpson will report your In-service credits to the NY Codes Division by the 10th day of the following month that the course was completed. Please allow an additional 10-14 days for the NY State to enter your credit information into your NY transcript. Please do not forward your Completion Certificate to the NY State Codes Division but retain only for your records.

For calendar year 2018, you must take online courses with a course code that begins with "NY18". Please make sure to start and finish the course in the same calendar year. Do not restart courses from your Transcript from a previous calendar year. You will not get in-service credits for course codes that do not match the current calendar year.

Please be sure that your NYID number has been inserted into your profile and is correct! Your NYID number must be inserted into your profile in the NYID field in order to receive In-Service credits.

NY Code Officials are permitted to take the same course each calendar year.

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