Access these settings via Env Data > Deflection Control Floor.
Field Descriptions
LL vert defl L/d control, Truss
Live load vertical deflection for floor truss. Minimum is L/120; maximum is L/999.
DL vert defl L/d control, Truss
Dead load vertical deflection for a floor truss. Minimum is L/90; maximum is L/999.
TL vert defl L/d control, Truss
Total load vertical deflection for floor truss. Minimum is L/120; maximum is L/999.
LL perp-to-member defl L/d control, TC Panel
Live load vertical deflection for a floor truss. Minimum is L/120; maximum is L/999.
TL perp-to-member defl L/d control, TC Panel
Live load vertical deflection for a floor truss. Minimum is L/90; maximum is L/999.
LL Max horz joint displacement
Live load maximum horizontal joint displacement. Minimum is .25; maximum is 1.
TL Max horz joint displacement
Total live load maximum horizontal joint displacement. Minimum is 0.25; maximum is 1.25.
LL Max vert joint deflection
Maximum live load vertical deflection. Minimum is .25; maximum is 10.
TL Max vert joint deflection
Maximum total live load deflection. Minimum is .25; maximum is 10.
Horz Defl of Parapet/Drop Leg - Finish Type
Parapet and Drop Leg members are checked against deflection limits, based on whether the exterior finish is flexible or not. The allowable deflection options are displayed in a dropdown list.
Min deflection to report as failed
Minimum setting that lets you ignore any deflections under the specified amount. Note that the maximum allowed is ¼” deflection, but can be set to a smaller amount, if needed. Deflection calculations below this value will be reported as (< 0.25) rather than showing the deflection calculation.
TPI-2007 Creep Factor
Creep Factor for floor analysis. Minimum is 1; maximum is 5.
TPI-2014 Creep Factor
Creep Factor for floor analysis. Minimum is 2; maximum is 5.For TPI 1-2014 designs, Truss Studio defaults to the TPI-2014 Creep Factor, which is used to compute the Deflection due to LL Plus Creep Component of Deflection due to DL.
EOR-specified Creep Factor (EOR Override)
EOR Override. Minimum is 1;
maximum is 5. This setting only applies to TPI 1-2014 (or later designs); it will not be used for TPI 1-2007 designs.
Use EOR override for TL defl/Creep Factor
This setting applies only to TPI 1-2014 (or later designs); it will not be used for TPI 1-2007 designs.
Long-term vert defl reporting
This setting applies only to TPI 1-2014 (or later designs); it will not be used for TPI 1-2007 designs.
Camber Options_Roof
Camber Method
- None - no camber value is calculated
- DL-Factor - camber is calculated using DL-Factor settings (see below).
- Span-Factor - camber is calculated using Span-Factor settings (see below).
When this option is selected, the camber is calculated based on the supplied factor (range of 0.00 to 4.00, default to 0.75) multiplied on the dead-load-only load combination deflection. For example, if the actual dead load deflection on a truss is calculated as 0.89 inches, and the factor to use is 0.75, the camber to report would be 0.89 x 0.75 = 0.67 inches..
Span-Factor per 10 feet
When this option is selected, the specified camber amount is calculated based on the span of the truss, divided by 10 and times the supplied user factor (range of 0.00 to 1.00 inches, default to 0.125). For example, if the factor is set at 1/8 inch (or 0.125), for a 40' span truss, the calculation is 40/10 = 4, then 4 x 0.125 = 0.50 inches.
Apply creep factor
If True (default), the creep factor applied to the truss is also applied to the camber. If False, the calculated camber does not account for creep.
Min span for camber reporting
Minimum span to start reporting camber factor. Minimum is 72; maximum is 999.
Min camber to report
Minimum camber to start reporting. Minimum is .1; maximum is .5.